Our neighbourhood | Legoland | Suban & Jan Vikke | Manila 1996 | Bantanos family | Bantanos family 2 | Copenhagen | London 2000 | London 2000 | Tivoli | Sim | Oliver | Video | Ole

Welcome to this site.
New Photos from Tivoli and the cityhall chtistmastree December 2002 are put HERE. Just click the link....
The old photoalbum has been deleted and changed into this, which we hope you will also like.
Some of the old photopages are still intact.  Just find the links on top of the page.
Pictures from BORNHOLM has been moved to Bornholm 2000
We have put up www.ramapetersen.dk with all our videos shot during the last years, so family and friends can download what they want to see.  Before you download you can check out the streamers at once.  Just follow the links.

The videos will all have a streamer like this one from the christmasparty 2001 at home tohether with friends and neighbours.
Click the photo to see the streamer.

Nanna-Maria & David
Click to see the video from the christmasparty
The christmasparty in the neighbourhood 2002

See also the streamer from Oliverīs birthday 2002 when he got his first pair of rollerskates.
Just click the photo.

Click to see Oliver on his 5 years B-day
Oliver 5 years old

The picture of Oliver was taken on a tour to a farm outside Copenhagen together with his Kindergarden. We made a video from that tour, and the streamer is here. Click the link.
The lengh of the video is 37 minutes.
If the videostreamer stops, just wait for further incoming signals. Donīt quit.

When Eva visited The Philippines and the family during februar and march 2002, she shot some photos.
Click here to have a look.

You can also send us a mail

mail to RamaPetersen

Copenhagen Metro
Click here to see the video from HLTV

Oktober 2002 I made a short TV program as an introduction to the new Copenhagen Metro. It was open to an invited oudience for 3 hours as a test...
Click the picture to see the short 3― minute program.

Click the link for Transatlantic official website

InsideOut music